Company details

Welcome to Linhoff Photo.
Linhoff Photo was established by Rosalie and Joe Linhoff in 1954. Joe was the driving force in photography, while Rosalie had great business savvy. Together they created the first Kodak official color lab.

Their passion and career of photography grew into a local business that still strives to keep the art of photography alive with film and negatives to the latest technology of the 21st century. Today, our business is diverse, yet still remains true to our roots. Not only do we specialize in photo printing and services, but we also have a thriving sports and event photography division.


We’re independent and local.

What makes Linhoff Photo + The Print Refinery® special is that we are part of a vibrant, local community that we love to support and connect with. Every customer or project that walks through our door is an opportunity to collaborate on a personal level. We are creative storytellers and educators, design experts and photographers, and we have a knack for bringing your ideas to life.

We recently moved our business a short distance from our Edina location to 4811 Excelsior Boulevard, St. Louis Park, Minnesota. Stop by and say hello anytime!